Accessibility Policy

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Policy Statement 

Hope Bible Church Markham is committed to improving accessibility for persons with disabilities to  afford equal opportunities and provision of integrated programs and services where possible, in a  manner that respects dignity and independence. 


This policy is intended to address the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with  Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) and related Customer Service Standard introduced under the  legislation, ensuring that persons with disabilities are provided equal opportunities and standards  of services. The established procedures shall ensure compliance by recognizing the use of assistive  devices, support persons, service animals and other accessible means. 


Assistive Devices, Service Animals, Support Persons, Training, Feedback

  • Hope Bible Church Markham shall accommodate persons that require the use of assistive  devices, a service animal and/or a support person to access goods and services in  accordance with applicable legislation, policies and procedures. 


  • Hope Bible Church Markham shall provide training to all staff and volunteers who  interact with the public. Training shall be proportional to the level of public contact  and shall include: 
    • The purpose of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and  the requirements of the Customer Service Standard, Ontario Regulation  429/07. 
    • How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities. 3. How to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive device,  require assistance, or have a support person. 
    • Training shall be provided on an as-needed basis. Training shall be provided in a  timely manner to ensure compliance with legislation. 

Assistive Devices 

  • Hope Bible Church Markham will accommodate the use of assistive devices by  individuals when accessing services, unless otherwise prohibited due to health and  safety or privacy issues. 
  • Hope Bible Church Markham is willing to consider implementation of accessibility  technologies after considering an individual’s needs, cost and timing. Contact to discuss further. 

Service Animals 

  • Hope Bible Church Markham will accommodate the accompaniment of qualified service  animals in areas that are open to the public, unless prohibited by law. 

Support Persons 

  • Hope Bible Church Markham will accommodate the need for a person to support and assist an individual with a disability when accessing services.

Service Distribution Notification 

  • Hope Bible Church Markham shall provide notice of any anticipated disruption of service.  In the event of an unexpected disruption, notice shall be provided by such method as is  reasonable under the circumstance. 


  • Feedback about this policy or procedure shall be received in any form – in person, in writing, by email ( - and shall be reviewed by the appropriate member of our team.