Christmas Service
Christmas Carolling
Christmas Service & Kids Choir
Family Christmas Service
John 3:16

FAQ - Kids
Can I bring my kids? Will there be childcare?
Nov 30 - No childcare available
Dec 10 - No childcare available
Dec 12 - No childcare available
Dec 13 - No childcare available
Dec 15 Christmas Services - Our children’s ministry will be available for kids from infants through Grade 5.
Dec 15 Christmas Carolling - No childcare available, but children of all ages are welcome to join their parents for Christmas carolling.
Dec 22 - Our children’s ministry will be available for kids from infants through Grade 5.
Dec 24 - No childcare available, but children of all ages are welcome to join their parents for our Family Christmas Service.
For all events, we have a fully stocked nursing room upstairs with comfortable seating.
Do I have to register my child for the kid's program on the 15th and 22nd?
For the safety and security of all children attending our children’s ministry, parents are required to check their children in before the program begins.
For families new to our church, we recommend completing the Parent’s Consent Form in advance to make the check-in process faster on December 15th and 22nd.
Tip: Be sure to add your child(ren) under the “Household Members” section.
Where do I send my child for the kids program?
Upon entering the church building, you will find the Hope Kids registration desk on your left. Please check in your child to receive a child nametag and a parent pick-up code, and then proceed to the appropriate Hope Kids area either upstairs or downstairs to drop off your child.
Please remember to keep the parent pick-up code safe! You will need to present this code when picking up your child to ensure their safety and security.
FAQ - General
Do I need to register for these events?
Registration is required for the Men's, Women's, Youth, and Young Adult events. You can find the registration links below:
Nov 30 - 7pm - Men's Christmas Event - Men
Dec 10 - 7pm - Youth Christmas Event - Youth Grades 6-12
Dec 12 - 7:30pm - Young Adult Christmas Event - Young adults age 18-30
Dec 13 - 7pm - Women's Christmas Event - Women
Registration is not required for the Christmas Services and Christmas Carolling.
How long is each gathering?
Most events last between 1.5 - 2 hours.
Our Christmas Services on the 15th, 22nd, and 24th are expected to last about 1 hour.
For all events, we encourage you to stay after each gathering to enjoy refreshments in the lobby and meet new friends. Be sure to stop by our guest reception desk and say hi -- we would love to connect with you and give you a gift!
What should I wear?
You can wear whatever you're most comfortable in! Some people like to wear their Christmas best, but others prefer to come in comfortable, casual clothes. You'll blend right in either way!
Do I have to bring a Bible or anything else?
No need! We have Bibles in the pockets in front of your seat. Just come with an open heart and mind, ready to meet new friends and hear of the story of Christmas!
What should I do when I get there?
You'll be greeted by our friendly team, then you can proceed straight to the Worship Centre which is located right at the entrance.